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Seated with Christ in Heavenly Places

Writer's picture: Andrea BrownAndrea Brown

As Christians, we are walking through life following Jesus. The journey is difficult but becomes impossible whenever we attempt to utilize our own strength and knowledge. God did not save us to do life alone, we are to do life with Him. When we walk with the Lord we are yoked to Him. Jesus lifts the burden of self-effort as we rely solely on Him to be everything we need. As we yield our lives to Him, we emit the very fragrance of Christ. This points others to Jesus and the freedom, which can only be found in Him.

From the moment we receive salvation in Jesus, we are to enter God's rest because the work is finished! The question quite often do we realize this. I find it's important that I am not doing to become, rather I am doing because God says I already am. Ephesians‬ ‭2v6 says “And He raised us up together with Him [when we believed], and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, [because we are] in Christ Jesus,” [boldface mine]. Focus on the word seated, because we are resting in what Christ has accomplished on our behalf. This doesn't mean we are to do nothing, but it provides the perspective for how we do, what we do, which makes the difference.

One of the most lethal assaults from the enemy is to suggest we do not have something God has already given us. The enemy of our souls is a spirit, his chessboard the mind, and he is limited to the realm of the five senses. Although he is cunning, he is not omniscient, omnipotent, or omnipresent, like our God. The only way he knows if his little campaign is working is by our response. Will we react using self-effort, surrendering to the natural and getting up from our position of rest in Christ or will we respond in simple faith in God?

As children of God, we are seated meaning we do everything from a place of rest in Christ. Our position and identity in Christ never change regardless of what we do. Our basis, the foundation is based on what He has done. Jesus has already won the war, and the battle is the LORDS’ and the LORD'S alone.

Tension often comes when I set out to do or become something God has already declared done. Think of it this way, it would be absurd to attempt to get in a room you are already in, frustrating to work to obtain that which you already have, or strive to become someone God already says you are!

We are to work out our salvation, we are not working it in. We can only workout, that which God has already worked in us. Our journey in Christ is walking in a relationship with Him, understanding more about Him. In doing so, we are transformed into Christ-likeness. The transformation is not something we do or are even to focus on, it is all of Christ. Our part is to believe Christ did our part. We are to place our faith in the finished work of Jesus. We are to rest in the grace of God. Our only labor is to labor to enter His rest Hebrews 4v9-11.

I have noticed in my life, strife and frustration enter when I do not keep afresh the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Just as the Israelites were instructed to remember the Law, in many cases they were to recite it and have a visible representation of it as to not forget all God had done and commanded them. We are no longer under the Law but should remember all Jesus has accomplished on our behalf, by reading and digesting the word of God. His word washed away the daily defilement of this life.

It is in His word we discover, our work is to rest in the finished work, relying on His completeness; not striving to become complete. “and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭2v10‬. We are trusting that which God says He has done in us; is done. Something incredible to think about and an absolute truth is to realize when God looks at us He doesn't see us in and of ourselves; He sees Jesus and us in Him. “For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” ‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3v3.

Therefore child of God, remain seated in the place of power utilizing your authority by speaking to situations as they come. When the enemy sends his fiery darts to remember they are blanks. Cling to the word of God which is our truth. Recollect the beauty of all God's promises which are ours to possess for they are all Yes and Amen in Christ Jesus.

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