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Unshakable In Christ

Writer's picture: Andrea BrownAndrea Brown

Isaiah Chapter 28 is so beautiful, prophesying the coming of our Lord Jesus. First, we hear He is mighty 28v2 and of His splendor 28v5, but we also understand in He provides rest for those who are willing to accept Him 28v12. But we know that the nation of Israel rejected their King, and the Gospel, by default, became the world's blessing, whereby we rejoice. In studying these scriptures, Abba never disappoints, providing a beautiful word for us to meditate on, which also contains a promise. Jesus is the precious cornerstone 28v16; our foundation, and when we trust in Him, all that He is ~ changes all that we are, thus making us unshakable 28v16.

Isaiah 28v16 is such a comforting word, especially in these precarious and unpredictable times. I think we all can agree 2020 is a year of intense shaking. Beloved, because we have placed our trust in Christ, we have become unshakable, not "becoming" but “will be” unshakable.

“Therefore the Lord God said: “Look, I have laid a stone in Zion, a tested stone, a precious cornerstone, a sure foundation; the one who believes will be unshakable.” Isaiah‬ ‭28v16‬.

‭Salvation is a gift provided by our Abba Father; however, it is up to us to appropriate that which we possess. The foundations of the earth are fading and eventually, everything will be rolled up one day (Hebrews 1v12). The Good News is Jesus is Salvation (John 3v16), our Rock and our Refuge (Psalm 18v2), and we are secure as we rest and rely on Him.

Many people wonder why God allows the shaking to occur. Sweet friend, we were made for Him and anything less, simply will not satisfy. The Bible confirms God's heart towards us. Through the prophet Isaiah, we glean insight behind the purpose of shaking in 28v17, “And I will make justice the measuring line and righteousness the mason’s level.” Hail will sweep away the false refuge, and water will flood your hiding place.” ‬ ‭Shaking happens sometimes to remove misplaced affections (false refuge) that we are given the opportunity to trust in the One who is faithful, stable, and secure. Child of God, bad things never come from God, the apostle James reminds us "Every good and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning." James(1v17). We must accept that we live in a broken world polluted by its inhabitants (Isaiah 24v5, Genesis 3v17). Man's sin has caused evolutionary decay that we see and let's not forget there is a very real enemy unleashing havoc on the earth as well.

God in his mercy planned salvation to reconcile all things to Himself before time began. He did not leave us as orphans to sway and fall from the shaking but gives everyone the opportunity to place their trust in His Son Jesus, the Anchor for our souls. Friends, God is good. God does good. God works all things for our good (Romans 8v28). Let's remember, it is ALL things, the good and bad things. God is faithful, sovereign, and All Mighty performing the impossible. His word is sure and there is a day coming soon where everything will be restored.

I also want to mention the second part of Isaiah 28v17, “water will flood your hiding place.” For some reason, I envision water getting into the cracks and causing things to come to the surface. May I submit sometimes it takes becoming overwhelmed to come to a point of surrender and shaking often brings buried things to the surface. You know the things we may have forgotten yet allow to shape our perspective and define our choices. Beloved, God loves us too much to leave any stone unturned in our lives. He meets us where we are at but never leaves us the same.

The work of Jesus is complete, but it often takes a process to walk-out the wholeness He died to give us. This involves releasing difficult things, hard things, shameful things, secret things into His hands. In this place of surrender, we realize the void from hurt is perfectly filled by our Lord Jesus. He fills our being, and we overflow drawing others to Him through the work He is doing in our lives. I laugh within myself as I write because I can see myself over and over again not wanting to embrace the process. However, the longer I follow Jesus, the more I realize the way we possess our new unshakeable nature is by walking through seasons of shaking. In these times, we abandon self-confidence in exchange for the lasting confidence that can only be found in Christ.

Remember Isaiah 28v16, when we believe in Jesus we will be unshakable. God is so wonderful to further remind us that it is the finished work of Jesus that is the key to remaining stable, especially in times of uncertainty. Isaiah 28v18, mentions the convent with death will be dissolved and agreement with Sheol will not last. Friends there are various covenants in the Bible but this one is specific because it is attached to the penalty of death and hell. The covenant with Adam caused all man to have a destiny with death and everlasting separation from God. It is only through the work of Jesus on the cross that death and hell have been obliterated and a new covenant of grace established.

A Salvation is the demonstration of God's great love for us. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, we have peace with God and are able to cling to Him with an assurance of His love. Beloved, this is the heart of our God towards us. His amazing plan of Salvation once again unveiled through the prophet Isaiah, revealing we are living in the promise who is Christ. During this time of intense shaking, we can trust in the finished work of our Savior Jesus Christ to be our stability at all times. Our faith is being stretched whereby it is palpable and tangible for those in darkness to see the light. They are witnessing the great power and faithfulness of our God and Father to keep us in perfect peace whose minds are fixed on thee.

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Andrea Brown
Andrea Brown
Aug 15, 2020

Hello Kelechi, I love the book of Isaiah. It's like a mini-Bible. I love the words of our Lord Jesus and His love which is woven through these verses.


Kelechi Ukandu
Kelechi Ukandu
Aug 10, 2020

Beautifully written! Thank you for breaking down Isaiah 28:16. understood so much more about salvation.


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